Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sheep and other stuff

has risen!

Another Sunday another webs count but first an observation on sheep.  Dave (the farmer at White Dyke) tells me that sheep are not as stupid as I think they are.  Well, the individual above wasn't the sharpest tool since it had managed to get itself stuck on its back and was incapable of righting itself!  It just lay there on its back kicking its inadequate legs, presumably awaiting its fate.  After a detour of three fields I arrived by its side and it... continued to kick its feet but was now looking at me suspiciously.  A quick lift by the fleece however and it was the correct way up once again and speeding off to join its mates.  Sheep...
On the WEBS front wildfowl, and especially duck, are in short supply, presumably due to the exceptionally mild winter.  However the raptors continue to put on a good show especially in conditions such as this morning where the sun and lack of wind and rain made it a pleasure to be out.  Noteworthy species listed below:
Buzzard - 1 on Down, pair over Downash, pair over Windmill Hill
Hen Harrier - 1 ringtail still on Horse-eye
Marsh Harrier - 1 tatty cream cap on Down, 1 male on Horse-eye, 1 cream cap on Hankham
Merlin - Jill on Horse-eye
Little Owl - One of the resident pair was (unsurprisingly) sunning itself
Water Pipit - 1 near Looker's
Raven - 1 Down, 1 Looker's
Kingfisher - 1 Down, 1 Looker's
Shelduck - resident pair back on Down
Tufted Duck - 4 on Horse-eye (all drakes)
Little Egret - 2 on Down
In addition with singing Cetti's Warbler, 6 singing Skylark, and singing Song Thrush, Blackbird, and Robin you might say there was a bit of a springlike feel to the morning.
A quick look in at Norman's Bay was uneventful apart from a nice flock of Turnstone

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff - almost getting homesick this winter - almost but not quite!
