A pretty uneventful 45 minutes followed, with Hazel (our labrador) mooching about and a distinct lack of birds. Having reached the outfall we decided to turnaround and head back to the car along the shoreline in the teeth of a pretty brisk easterly. After a few hundred yards we cut back up and towards the top of the beach where a small bird flew up and perched on a fence post. My immediate reaction was Wheatear and it was nearly December...
I asked Sharon to stay still and hold on to the dog. Bins up, "**** me its a Desert Wheatear", "Is that good" comes back from my lady wife, "Yes, ITS A DESERT WHEATEAR! A first winter male to be precise!". Immediate thought process follows, get some pics, its late (2.45ish) so get the news out asap. I get my little bridge camera out but the bird is moving actively along the top of the beach, it pops up on the metal grate near the sluice and I take a picture...
Thats' better, now phone the locals. No answer from Matt, Mike, Geoff, Al, Lawrence, Jake, all of them are out or busy! OK, send texts, done, phone RBA done. Now I can enjoy the bird for a bit, but it's very busy, moving along the fence line, then down on to the breakwater to fly down to the strand line to catch what are presumably sandhoppers, and then a couple of walkers come along and its on the logs at the top of the beach. I manage to get a few more reasonable record shots below.
The posture of the bird is indicative of the stiff breeze. Finally I have to relent and walk back to the car so Sharon can get some shelter, as I do so the bird is still feeding along the strand line at about 15.10 or so. Unfortunately when Al and Laurence arrive there is no further sign, a few dog walkers have been around but the bird was very active so may still be on the beach. We have a good look round but time is against us and at 15.55 it is pretty dark so I head off. Gutted that Al and Laurence haven't connected but elated at finding a quality rare in the greater patch area. Hopefully the boy will be relocated tomorrow, unfortunately I will be back at work.
Brilliant find Chris. Even better news is that it got you blogging again!